Sunday, May 10, 2009

On the Road

So I re-arranged my Saturday schedule (thank you, Cathy and Meredith!) to head down to Pella's annual Tulip Time festival. We loaded up the camera bag and stacked cds in the car, and pinpointed our destination on the GPS. It guided us through BFE and back to get there, but it was well worth the jaunt. I may make that drive again just to shoot the barns out there! Here are some examples of when I did actually get the driver to pull over:

Okay well, this one was shot from the passenger seat out the window while we were driving.

This was a Methodist church in I Don't Know What Town.

I love it when they look like one exhaled breath may blow the whole house down.

You are looking through a creepy old abandoned house right now. Coming up on it, it looks like someone hacked down trees in the shape of a house in the middle of the forest to put it there. This place was very obviously built for privacy... though it was only a few feet off the road. It gave me the jeebies just shooting it in direct sunlight with my guy in the car watching out for me. This was at the entrance on the other side of the house:

*Shudder* I watch too many forensic shows.

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