Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I'd Rather Be Shuttering

I need a vacation - to take a step back, breathe, shoot and consider. I'm not picky as to what, or where. Here are a few places I wouldn't mind being right now:

With the sis et al

Hanging solo in the city

On the beach

In the air

On the slopes


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Snack Break

Yesterday I shot 531 photos in two short shoots - whew! First I clambered around downtown in heels (yes I do know this seems silly, but trust: it wasn't so uncomfortable) to try and capture its allure on a dreary day. I found that finally, spring is springing and the people are about.

Okay, so I copied myself on that last one. I can't help but to post it, though, as the moment I was lucky enough to catch is brilliant. Look the the elegant array of necklaces juxtaposed with the cute gal on a bike. I enjoy a hard copy of a sliver in time...

Friday, April 17, 2009

Flash Drive

Because I'm newly fixated on blogging, and because I have a major case of the TGIFFs (that's a 'freaking', people, my mouth isn't that dirty), I'm going to post some old photos that must have made the cut somewhere along the lines, as they are living on my flash drive. Let's see what my hat holds....

I admit I have a slight obsession with shooting flowers in macro...

...and taking pictures of ugly things.

I like symmetry and juxtaposition,


and candid shots.

Catching a moment like this is priceless...

Next on the shooting agenda: a late-night weekend post-prom bash: beginning at 11pm and finishing when my morning person/grandma habits refuse to be veiled any longer.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Morning Session

So I met Jaime yesterday at 7:15ish before work to try out some portraiture. I have been on only one other portrait shoot just four days ago and was nervous... but I think several turned out really well! Here are a few:

I got several different expressions from her and am not sure which is my favorite. I struggled between choosing a serious look and a smile for the one of here in the red shirt - she really just lights up a photo with her smile!

Thanks, Jaime, for enduring my amateurish attempts. I hope you enjoy the outcome!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


My goodness, artists think alike. For all the lovely and chaotic ideas leaping from the good side of our brains, titles (read: blog names) must not be our forte. Welcome to the premier entry of, alas, Lens in Hand.

In another life, I am a writer. In this one, a photographer. I walk with a camera in my purse and keep one eye off the road. These are the things that catch my eye:

Centerpiece at Shellee's house

Morning dew on a blade of grass

Light fixture at the public library



Accidental beauty

I do my best to keep looking up and around - too often I see faces buried in their palms; texting, reading or watching. Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for the convenient communication and the LOST addictions, but come on -- see what you are missing. ;)