Thursday, September 24, 2009

Let Them Entertain You

***The following moments were captured while working as the second photographer for Cathy Kovach***

Adam and Jeremy, whose engagement photos I
tagged along with Cathy to shoot, finally got to celebrate their marriage. It was a most classy, most stylish and most entertaining event.

One of Adam's many talents is that of a baker. I've often seen him talking with brides and momzillas about what they would like on their big day - but this time, Adam got to make all the important decisions, ending in several delicious results:

Just as each of the guys, their friends and family all demanded their own individual presence, but were collaborative in their readiness to laugh and celebrate the moment.

Cocktail hour happened before the ceremony: a most clever twist on the wedding order. Get the guests loose and happy before the ceremony!

(No, he isn't double-fisting, he's just patiently waiting for his date to emerge from the powder room.)

These two (below) are either relatives or soon-to-be sweethearts. Their demeanor was so magnetic that I wanted to keep taking photos of them, but didn't want to barge in on their good time.

As greetings wound down, guests took their seats in the circular set-up, and the wedding party emerged from surrounding doors. At last, our two stars entered to take their stage.

The pastor's words were sweet, and the men's sentiments were even sweeter. Tears were continually running down even my cheeks as the couple officially began their union.

And then began the reception!

Perhaps the most entertaining dance I have ever seen took place on this removable dance floor. Beginning as a so-called "surprise dance" Adam had put together for Jeremy, the couple rocked the floor with an approximate nine-song medley, complete with the dance moves that made each piece of music famous.

Everyone wanted a piece of the dance floor after that!

...except these fellas. They were discussing which flavor of cake was better.

Cheers, Adam and Jeremy! Congratulations!!!

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